Spiritual Seats - NEW!!
A Spiritual Seat in Synagogue*
Unable to attend synagogue for High Holidays this year?
Join Chabad Naples from afar with a spiritual seat to a live prayer service that will take place on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The High Holiday services are a tremendous merit and source of elevation for the soul. While ideally experienced in person, contributing towards these sacred rituals on Judaism’s most Holy Days can be a powerful Divine merit.
There is a time-honored Jewish custom that when one is unable to personally recite Kaddish, one can donate to charity that supports the poor and needy, and, in return, Torah scholars there recite the Kaddish in your stead.
Inspired by this tradition of service and connection, Chabad Naples has arranged for “spiritual seats” allowing you to be included in the holy prayers. By purchasing a seat, your donation will be earmarked for Tzedakah, and, in return, the Chazan will include you and your family’s names* during the live High Holiday service.
*Please be sure to note each name and the name of the person’s mother.